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Valley Park Voice

The Valley Park Voice is a community magazine produced and distributed by Valley Park Community Association (VPCA). It has a distribution of approximately 3200 in the Valley Park area, utilising a network of dedicated local volunteer distributors. The publication is A5 and predominantly greyscale with some limited colour advertising.

In addition to letterbox delivery, we also publish recent editions here. If you are interested in advertising or contributing content, please contact the editor using the form below.

Recent Editions


To advertise or contribute to future editions contact the editor below.

Editions are delivered during the first week of each month excluding January and August.

Letters, articles and other content welcome for consideration.

Don’t hesitate to reach out with the contact information below, or send a message using the form.

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Valley Park Community Association

Community Centre, Pilgrims Close, Chandlers Ford, SO53 4ST

02380 266593

Office Hours (Closed during school holidays)

Monday          10:00 am – 2:00 pm
Tuesday         10:00 am – 2:00 pm
Wednesday   10:00 am – 2:00 pm
Thursday       10:00 am – 2:00 pm
Friday             Closed
Saturday        Closed
Sunday           Closed

Advertising Terms and Conditions

The views expressed in the Valley Park Voice are not necessarily that of the editor of the Valley Park Community Association.  This newsletter is published at the beginning of each month except January and August in A5 greyscale with some colour advertising and has a circulation of approximately 3200.

The Community Association hope that our readers support the advertisers in the Valley Park Voice, but it cannot be responsible for the quality of work or the service given by the advertisers. It is always a matter between the two parties concerned.

Items for publication or advertising should be emailed to the editor before the 15th of the preceding month in either JPEG or PDF format.  Notice to cancel an advert should be made in writing to the editor BEFORE 15th of the preceding month please to avoid being charged.

Any form of reproducing or copying the Valley Park Voice requires the prior permission of the editor.
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