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Membership of Valley Park Community Association (VPCA) is open to anyone who is interested in furthering the Association's purposes in accordance with the Constitution.

Valley Park Community Association (VPCA) is a charity which exists to promote the interests of the residents of Valley Park. The overall aim is to improve the quality of life by bringing together residents, local authorities, voluntary and other organisations in a common effort to ensure that educational, welfare and leisure facilities are available.

VPCA manages Valley Park Community Centre, local Magazine the Valley Park Voice, and employs a Centre Manager and Community Engagement Coordinator.

AGM Notice


Fee: £3 per annum

It is the duty of each member of the CIO to exercise his or her powers as a member of the CIO in the way he or she decides in good faith would be most likely to further the purposes of the CIO.

Members are entitled to vote at general meetings.

Essential reading

Membership Application Form

Your membership will be linked to this email address.
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