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Community Litter Pick - Saturday 4th November 2023

Community Litter Pick - Saturday 4th November 2023

The Gods were on our side and we managed to find a break in the weather to enjoy a Community Litter Pick. Over 20 adults and 15 children joined us to help rid the area of litter. Lots of litter was found, especially in the hedges, but we all agreed there was less litter found than on previous events.

Thank you to everyone that joined us and a big thank you to Anna and Paul for serving the drinks and snacks after the litter pick (and for all the washing up and tidying away afterwards). Keep an eye on our website for the date of the next litter pick - we aim to run one every two months, always on a Saturday from 2pm to 3:30pm.
2 Generations of 3 Litter Pickers
Jess & Alex
Litter Pickers

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Written by Lucy Armstrong and published on 5 November 2023.

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