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Bingo & Fish Supper – Friday 7th October 2023

Bingo & Fish Supper – Friday 7th October 2023

What an evening! Thank you to everyone that joined us and an even bigger thank you to our wonderful volunteers who helped set up and tidy away.  A special mention must go to Anna, Jess, Helen, Rob and our Bingo Caller Extraordinaire Rob – several people asked if this was his full-time job!

The evening started with a round of bingo with prizes for 1 full line, 2 full lines and then a full house.  All prizes were vouchers purchased from within our local community, such as Spinney 53, the Cleveland Bay, Waffles & Cream …  During the break there was a paper quiz with tables having to recognise landmarks from around the world before our Fish Supper. A huge thank you to Chunky Fish and Chips for our delicious supper – coping with an order of 80 portions as well as dealing with your regular customers is no mean feat!

No evening would be complete without a fundraising raffle. Thank you to everyone that purchased tickets, the raffle raised £91.50 which will all go back into the Community Centre (and one lucky winner walked away £91.50 richer).

The evening concluded with two more rounds of bingo. The Bingo Caller grew even funnier moving away from the more traditional number calls. Which was your favourite call? My friends are still in fit of laughter over the meal for two … if you know you know!! 

Keep an eye in the Valley Park Voice or on our website for our next Bingo evening, probably earlyish next year. The tickets sold out in just 10 days (and just 5 days for the Quiz Night) so make sure you get in quick.

Chair Rob and Caller Rob
In full flow
Our handsome Bingo Caller
Ready to go

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Written by Lucy Armstrong and published on 7 October 2023.
Last edited on 11 October 2023.

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