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Volunteers’ Breakfast – Past, present and future – Saturday 23rd September

Volunteers’ Breakfast – Past, present and future – Saturday 23rd September

It was wonderful today to be joined for breakfast by our team of volunteers, it was our way of trying to say thank you for all of their hard work for the benefit of the local community and Community Centre. Our volunteers help in a number of ways; Some help distribute the Valley Park Voice whilst others volunteer at our community events.

Every month VPCA, thanks to our wonderful Editor (and Centre Manager) Isla, creates a free community magazine that is delivered to approximately 3200 local households. The network to distribute this magazine is complex and on a huge team of volunteers. Without these volunteers there would be no magazine. Thank you to these volunteers for committing your time each month. I know in the 8 years that I have lived here, I’ve always enjoyed reading the VP Voice.

Over the last couple of years, the number of Community events has increased. In the last 12 months alone we’ve had a Halloween Trail & Pumpkin Carving, a Bingo & Fish Supper, Santa’s Workshops, a Christmas & Summer Fayre, a huge King’s Coronation event, Easter trail and craft, a cup cake making workshop, numerous litter picks and our weekly Community Kettle. None of these events could have happened without our lovely volunteers. Our volunteers have helped set up, run stalls, serve tea and coffee, wash up and tidy up, to name just a few of the tasks. I am not being overly dramatic when I write this but I truly appreciate your help and I know all those that attend the events do to – a big thank you.

For those volunteers that were able to attend today, we hope you enjoyed the breakfast and it was lovely to meet you all. We promise we won’t leave it so long to do it again!

A continental feast
Our wonderful team of volunteers

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Written by Lucy Armstrong and published on 23 September 2023.
Last edited on 23 September 2023.

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