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Let's Get Digital Course
Let's Get Digital - 8 week course, 2 hours a week every Thursday from 11am to 1pm at Valley Park Community Centre. Starts on Thursday 3rd April 2025 and finishes on Thursday 22nd May. Aimed at the over 60s and vulnerable adults.
Do you wish you were more confident using your phone or computer? Not really sure where to start? We can help you with our FREE 8 week course.
Brush up on emails, google, zoom, social media, shopping, security and much more!
If you're keen to attend, or know someone that would really benefit, email or call Lucy or pop into the Community Centre Office (Monday to Thursday, 10am to 2pm term time) to reserve your space.
Kindly delivered and funded by Solent Mind.
Do you wish you were more confident using your phone or computer? Not really sure where to start? We can help you with our FREE 8 week course.
Brush up on emails, google, zoom, social media, shopping, security and much more!
If you're keen to attend, or know someone that would really benefit, email or call Lucy or pop into the Community Centre Office (Monday to Thursday, 10am to 2pm term time) to reserve your space.
Kindly delivered and funded by Solent Mind.
11:00 3 Apr-13:00 22 May 25
Pilgrims Close
Chandler's Ford
SO53 4ST
Chandler's Ford
SO53 4ST
1 x Adult :
Contact details
If you have a question about this event, please contact:
Lucy Elizabeth Armstrong
Lucy Elizabeth Armstrong
Last updated 10:06:47, 20/08/2024
Payment required
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Please make a payment to the following account. We will email your tickets to you as soon as we have confirmed receipt of your payment.